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Game creator #5 - Adding user's image into Phaser
How to display user's image in Phaser
How to display user's image in Phaser
How to instantiate a Phaser game into Vue 3
Learning the basics from Composition API and loading a file in Vue 3
ERR_TLS_CERT_ALTNAME_INVALID - It's better to use checkServerIdentity instead of rejectUnauthorized in your https.Agent to still use the certificate
Initial setup to learn more about Vue 3 and TypeScript
That's going to be a bold project (at least to me): create a visual editor to create games using Phaser library
You have changed the routes for your blog posts and want to redirect old routes to the new ones? Here's a script that will do that for you
Let's find out which character is the most used one in a string
Different approaches to reverse a string
Technical and personal decisions I took to create this blog
You have a list with many items and you want to find out which ones are not duplicated
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