Logo Rápido

LogoRápido is an easy tool for quick creation of logos. The system has many artwork options and allows users to customize colors as well as adding text to the templates and then exporting the files as HD images (either .png and .svg).

I developed with Angular JS 1.5 for the front-end, Laravel 5.1 for the back-end, and MySQL for the database.

I also developed an administration area in which is possible to upload new artworks, categories or fonts, as well as allowing full control of sales, pending or cancelled payments. Administration system developed using AngularJS.



Step 1 - User type his name
Step 2 - User select one of the many draws
Step 3 - Edit logo
Step 3 - Edit logo
Step 3 - Edit logo
Step 3 - Edit logo
Step 4 - Pay
Step 3 in mobile phone
Step 3 in mobile phone
Step 3 in mobile phone
Step 3 in mobile phone - Chose a new font for text
Step 3 in mobile phone
Administration area - Add/Edit categories
Administration area - Add/Edit new draws
Administration area - Create variations of the same draw (change colors and text font)
Administration area - Create variations of the same draw (change colors and text font)
Administration area - Add infos about the product
Administration area - Configure e-mail message users will receive after buying
Administration area - Configure e-mail message users will receive after buying
Administration area - Page to see all sales